At that example sentences

The temperature optimum for photosynthesis of different plants also depends on the habitat that they are adapted to.If you travelled through the country at that time you would have met various Native American groups.Although his idea was not widely accepted at that time, he, for his work, was later awarded Davy Medal in 1887 by the Royal Society, London.There was no universal adult franchise at that time.Suddenly, the halwai called out, “Kyon bhai, shall I weigh a rupee's worth? Don't want jalebis today?” I felt like saying I won't eat your jalebis today but, I'd sure like to roast your liver and eat that instead.Nambuthiris were also major landlords in Kerala at that time; and a large section of the Nayars were their tenants.In other words, information is a data that have been processed and refined and then presented in a format that is convenient for decisionmaking or other organisational activities.Industries were just coming up in the 1950s and 1960s, and competition from imports at that stage would not have allowed these industries to come up.Mendeleev also had the foresight to leave gaps in the Periodic Table for elements unknown at that time and predict their properties from the trends that he observed among the properties of related elements.At that time, the US dollar was the main component in the currency reserves of the rest of the world, and those reserves had been expanding as a consequence of the US running a continued balance of payments deficit (other countries were willing to hold those dollars as a reserve asset because they were committed to maintain convertibility between their currency and the dollar).Sometimes it is difficult to dissipate conflict through negotiations; at that time mediation and arbitration by a third party is needed.But the customers who came in said, “Aren't they cute? Look at that little cage! They're sweet.Such notions which prevailed everywhere else in South India at that time also, naturally, floated about vaguely among the khadi-clad poets of Gemini Studios.This was one of the many communist parties that ruled in several countries of East Europe at that time.The Polish State did not exist at that time, and the immigrants were identified according to their country of origin rather than to ethnicity.

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